A dental podcast for the AVERAGE dentist. No question is too controversial for Lance Timmerman DMD and his guests. Questions are NOT ”best bonding agent” or ”best impression material.” You know, like ”can I harm my assistant for being annoying?”, or ”how much oral sex is too much after gum grafts?” or even, ”Will my DNA be altered by getting a bone graft from cadaver bone?” The information that ALL dentists need. Where we coined the term ”Bukkake Honor Circle”

Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Never Too Early For A Nipple Clamp
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
We are nearing a huge milestone in Working Interferences history. Find out what it is in 3 weeks. :)This week, the boys open the pod discussing whats its like to be 40 as old man Josh is regaled about tales of old age from even older man Lance.Advice starts this week with a question from a nasty girl who wants to know about hiring other nasty girls.We then pivot to a question that makes both Josh and Lance feel like the oldest whitest guys in the world. We can’t help you with grillz questions, people. We just can’t.Finally our Reddit this week HAS TO BE HEARD TO BE BELIEVED!!!! Enjoy and #celebratetheforeskin!

Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Episode 65: My Staff Thinks I'm Sexy
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
More WI nonsense! Despite Lance's apathy, the Oscars happened. Nobody cares.
Question 1: John has a staff that constantly dreams of having sex with him. Does he fire them all? Or buy more lube?
Number 2: Ashing of teeth? WTF?
Reddit 3 is showing how CHEAP we can be. Not enough Xylitol in your gum? Can you add your own?

Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Episode 64: Josh’s Super Awkward Uncomfortable Phone Call
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Potpourri week! Are you ready for some prime awkwardness? Well you are in luck this week because Josh has some super embarrassing stuff highlighting a recent interaction with a service department at a car dealership. Prepare to cringe.
After taking a shower to cleanse yourself of the uncomfortableness, bask in the sun of a Ads Suck podcast within a podcast episode where middle age women get wrecked and they love it. Bruised pubic bones for all!
We only have one advice question this week…a Reddit about the netflix mockumentary Root Cause. Spoiler alert…it sucks balls and so do the holistic dentists featured in it. Go to hell, y’all.

Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Episode 63: Keep That Prick To Yourself
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
WI just can't quit you...
Lance starts with a weather forecast for the PNW (spoiler alert: it sucks).
First question is about a diabetic patient in hygiene pricking his hygienist. Do you call the cops?
Question two: We all know it takes three licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop, but how many times can you brush your teeth in a day to get them whiter? (another spoiler: a helluva lot....)

Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Never Enough Nipple Talk
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019

Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Episode 61: WI Live at VoD!
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
This week we share our LIVE DENTAL ADVICE EXPERIENCE from Voices of Dentistry. What a great meeting and a great experience. Make it a goal to attend VOD 2020!Advice starts this week with three audience questions. Randy wants to know how to properly execute the Seattle Protocol. His fired team keep coming back for more Houska!Craig asked about an awkward situation with his cute, young, conservative hygienist and a Ukranian female patient who is obsessed with her. Watch out for a stiletto to the temple, Craig!Missy asks about a “trollop” who keeps hitting on her dentist husband. What does trollop mean? Tune in to find out!We have two AMAZING Reddits this week. One about a young man who wants to be a dentist for all the WRONG reasons. Don’t think with your little head, son.Our final Reddit showcases a dude who made his own denture. Does a vibrating line matter? Eh, probably not. See you at VOD next year!!!

Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Episode 60: Brush Teeth With Dirt
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
WI have a short one before the Voices of Dentistry! See you there!
Reddit! #1 is asking if you should brush your teeth with Dirt©. Probably better than Cumbucha.
Reddit #2 is about teeth as an erogenous zone. How much do you LOVE your dental visits?
See you at VoD!

Friday Jan 18, 2019
Episode 59: A Day Late & A Dollar Short
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Sorry for our tardiness, but this week we have a Friday launch instead of a Thursday drop. We start the show with some real white people problems as Josh vents about his experience trying to buy a car. Next up, the boys discuss the meaning of the word “biffie” which will surprise you.Advice starts this week with at dentist complaining about a patient’s entitlement…a recurring theme here on Working Interferences.Second question comes from a dental staff member being harassed. SKEEVY DENTIST WARNING!!!!Our Reddit question this week comes from a patient who had his dentist take his breathe away…literally. Celebrate the foreskin and see you at VOD!!!

Monday Jan 07, 2019
Episode 58: Autumnal Mead
Monday Jan 07, 2019
Monday Jan 07, 2019
WI return early with the OG podcaster Alan Mead. Hilarity ensues...
First question is: are breakdancing dentist videos the key to new patients? Can YOU pop and lock?
Next, what KOL would make the best "A Day In The Life" video?
And reddit! doesn't disappoint. Is root canal therapy the cause of hair loss? Dare I say, the "Root Cause"?

Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
Episode 57: New Year, New Me
Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
The boys are back in town after a short holiday hiatus. Josh and Lance start the show by regaling each other of tales from their holidays. Find out why Josh hates New Years so much. It’s just another day that rent is due, people!Advice starts off this week with a dentist who had a crown done on himself by a well known local dentist that turns out…is a total hack. What should he do? Ask Josh and Lance, that's what.We then hear from a practice owner who is tired of dealing with a Negative-Nancy employee. Time for Seattle Protocol.Finally, we end with a Reddit that will leave you shaking your head. Happy First of the Month, everyone!!!