A dental podcast for the AVERAGE dentist. No question is too controversial for Lance Timmerman DMD and his guests. Questions are NOT ”best bonding agent” or ”best impression material.” You know, like ”can I harm my assistant for being annoying?”, or ”how much oral sex is too much after gum grafts?” or even, ”Will my DNA be altered by getting a bone graft from cadaver bone?” The information that ALL dentists need. Where we coined the term ”Bukkake Honor Circle”

Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Episode 36: Schrodinger’s Christenson
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Back to a two man show this week as Josh and Lance open up for some hot and sexy Centric Relation talk. You don’t even wanna know how much Lance romances the mandible.
Our first advice question this week absolutely stumps the interferences as they are clueless about the Shiggy Challenge…or the Kiki Challenge…or the In My Feelings Challenge….or the In My Fillings Challenge. Listening to them trying to figure it out is like listening to two monkeys trying to mount a cast on an articulator.
The next question involves dentists selling MLM crap. Have you heard the good news about Advocare?
Finally, our Reddit question this week has Josh and Lance delving into why dental schools are run like $400,000 dumpster fires. Wakanda Forever!

Thursday Jul 26, 2018
Episode 35: Shark Week with Rob Ritter
Thursday Jul 26, 2018
Thursday Jul 26, 2018
WI return. Rob Ritter joins us to discus shark week and regale us with many tales of his battles with sharks. Lance shares why he no longer dives, but Josh is just being a periodontist.
This week is ALL reddit! First question is regarding the brown discoloration of a night guard, every morning upon waking. What are you EATING?
Question two is about a patient that didn't trust their dentist and shopped around for two months for resolution. Have you ever had a patient demand you take another impression? So... I'm NOT the only one with crazy patients?
Question 3, a patient had root canal therapy without informed consent. Is that a pretty standard procedure?

Monday Jul 16, 2018
Episode 34: "Doc, you KILLED me!" LIVE in Indianapolis
Monday Jul 16, 2018
Monday Jul 16, 2018
WI are LIVE! Josh and Lance travel to Indianapolis for the Principles of Practice Management Summit by Dental Economics. What could POSSIBLY go wrong?
Chris Salierno returns! He shares wisdom (kinda) about the Principles of Practice Management summit. Missed this year? Dumbass. Make it a plan for next year.
Chris helps answer the question about asshole dentist employers that change the production and totally screw your paycheck. THEY did the implant placement. YOU only did the final restoration. CLEARLY you suck and deserve nothing. What do you do? Do YOU know BDE?
Next, do you NOT hire a person due to a tongue piercing? What is YOUR method for interviewing? Are cavity searches no longer "a thing"?
Next, Matt Winstead from Oral Arts dental lab joins us and talks about their fellacio appliance. It is a REAL practice builder. And have you done a Maryland bridge lately? Neither have I.... How do you handle VIRGINS (teeth) How do YOU cement it temporarily?
Do you print your dentures? Awesome (you're a freak)
How is your Tour de France prediction? Come on... It's Froome....
Finally, Andy Tran helps with our Reddit! question. When was the last time your patient complained that you killed them? Damn... If I had a nickel.....
Buy Goby

Thursday Jul 12, 2018
Episode 33: S#!t Flavored Night Guard
Thursday Jul 12, 2018
Thursday Jul 12, 2018
WI return! Josh starts with another edition of “Ads Suck!”. Is chichier a word? Lance can't even spell it...
First question is about limits to owner generosity. Do bigger staff members get bigger benefits? Will skinny staff demand their fair share?
Question 2 is about notes from dental school. Should dentists keep them for bragging rights? Is it "Legacy Box to the rescue"?
Finally, reddit! This one is about bird shit on a night guard. Does the taste EVER go away?
Buy Goby.

Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
Episode 32: I bless the rains down in Africa
Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
More WI time. Josh opens some old wounds Lance had repressed, still missing his Sonics. The NBA is dead to him, despite the big news about free agency...
Our first question is from a dental student, trying to avoid treating periodontal disease. Aren't there better things to do?
Second question comes from an anonymous listener that bought a practice and the seller won't leave. Is this when murder IS the answer?
And our Reddit! question. Are periodontal probes ONLY used by dentists WITHOUT super powers? After fighting Thanos, would an Avenger fix your teeth?
Don't skip the final song, Josh TOTALLY wigs out.
And buy Goby toothbrushes.

Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Episode 31: Fruit Roll up or edible underwear?
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
This week’s show is a real banger as Josh opens the show with a tale of losing his wallet in Europe…everyone’s greatest dream!
Advice starts with a question about how to discipline an assistant with a recurrent neck hickey problem, something neither Josh or Lance have any experience with.
Our second question is an evergreen. It boils down to how to get rid of a dick of a patient. Josh has a few ideas.
Our Reddit question is about “raincoats” and a very special experience with a pediatric dentist.
Be sure to check out Goby for your power toothbrush needs.

Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Episode 30: Big Honkin' Ghost Crank
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Get ready for some real hard core advice as we reach the big 3-0! Today’s show opens with a listener email from Hank who regales us with a tale of a windy mentor who farted a patient into senility.
Advice starts this week with a listener question from a dental school who boo-boo’ed his AEGD interview by dissing the San Antonio Spurs. Bad move, Zach.
Gina writes in with a tale of stink to rival no other. The Hobo-Meter of smell measurement reached 11!
Finally, our Reddit question is really more about a ghostly haunting than it is dentistry, its just that the question asker didn’t know that. Oops. Wakanda Forever!

Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Episode 29: John Hall's Famous Cumbucha
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Wakanda Forever, my bellisimas! Josh and Lance kibbutz about Italy and Rome as Josh gets set to jet set across the pond.
Advice starts this week with Alex, the girl kind, that wants to know how to establish dominance over her little sister who is about to start dental school. She doesn’t realize being the family dentist totally sucks and she should let her sister handle that while counting her money.
Mark writes in asking about how to protect his MMA fighters anterior crown.
Finally our Reddit question makes us wonder if John Hall is his dentist.

Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Episode 28: IV Hangover Treatment
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
WI are back! Josh pesters Lance about massage therapists on payroll. Has your staff seen you naked?
Question 1: Listener plans to party hard this summer. What IV cures are best for "the day after"?
Question 2: Do YOU text your patients to get them in the schedule? How obvious is desperation in the age of social media?
Question 3: Reddit! question, do YOU get sticky lips when you brush your teeth? Is spunk better than Crest?
Is Billy Ocean a national treasure?

Thursday May 31, 2018
Episode 27: Office Games
Thursday May 31, 2018
Thursday May 31, 2018
WI return! Josh mocks Lance from getting sore from cleaning his garage and NOT from a Murph crossfit challenge. What a loser.
Question 1 is about a mistake while finishing a veneer case. At what point do you simply remake the entire case?
Question 2 is about games in the work place. When do games simply become harassment?
The Reddit! question is about fellatio. Again. What healing properties are in spunk ANYWAY....? Spit or swallow has never been more relevant to your health....