A dental podcast for the AVERAGE dentist. No question is too controversial for Lance Timmerman DMD and his guests. Questions are NOT ”best bonding agent” or ”best impression material.” You know, like ”can I harm my assistant for being annoying?”, or ”how much oral sex is too much after gum grafts?” or even, ”Will my DNA be altered by getting a bone graft from cadaver bone?” The information that ALL dentists need. Where we coined the term ”Bukkake Honor Circle”

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Episode 173: Landslide
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
WI time! Lance sounds terrible, recording from his office instead of home, so give him a pass on audio quality.... Josh has some cool news. Fancy a Kölsch?
Reddit this week is a prospective dental student. Are they making the worst decision in their life? Should they get out now before it's too late?
Stay fresh!

Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Episode 172: Pregnant Pauses
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Are you ready for more WI? What is WRONG with you? You might need help.....
Lance is moving again.... It must be spring again.... What is WRONG with HIM....? (don't ask....)
Is soda a hot drink...?
This week's question: Do you share with patients that we can TELL that patients perform fellatio? How much detail is TOO much?
Stay fresh, cheesebags.....

Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Episode 171: The Snyderian Cut
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Hey, we have a great idea. Let’s take something that sucked and then double it. Double the suck! Would you like a Snyder Cut of WI? Yeah, neither do we. An hour is enough.
Advice starts this week with a question about a shitty dentist avoiding fixing his shitty work. How would you handle it? Hopefully better than this jerk.
Is Bioclear reversible? Is anything reversible? Was the Thanos snap reversible? Technically nothing is reversible! Except for your love for this show. That is definitely reversible.
Finally we end on the universal question that man has asked since the dawn of time….can someone probe themselves. Sure…but only in ways that involve lube.
Keep that freshness!

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Episode 170: A Hole is a Hole
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
What do you get for the man that has everything? A secure watch winder display case….that's what! Did you know that Josh was COLLEGE actor? Don’t forget it and don’t confuse it with that tickie tack high school shit. COLLEGE, baby. Did you know that Josh caught a foul ball at an Angel’s game with Mike DiTolla? Yeah, we are learning all kinds of shit today aren’t we?!
Advice starts today with a question about scamming holes. How do you know when your holes are being scammed? Should you be able to estimate something on the nose for it to be legit. How many holes does a nose have? Why are we calling them holes?
What should a tired and depressed dentist do to feel better? Listen to the boys give great advice then completely second guess themselves. Should a dentist know about nitrous and pregnancy? What about Invisalign emergencies. We are all perplexed.
Keep calm and stay fresh….cheese bags.

Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Episode 169: Dental Office Shit Clock
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
How popular are the Working Interferences Boys? Easy answer….NOT VERY. Josh recounts a recent "Reply All snafu" he encountered that cut him down a few pegs.
Advice starts this week with a question about a frequent shitting dental assistant. Sounds like we need a smell test. Is there actual shit or just Funny Shit Facebook surfing?
Is it funny when a dentist jokes about gay patients’ gag reflex? No…no, its not.
Stay fresh or the Cowboys will make you cry.

Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Episode 168: Night Stalkin’ Dentist
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Episode 167: A Physical Dependency on Skittles
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
The WI Boyz are thawed out and operational again after Old Man Winter’s appearance last week. Josh laments about how his personality won’t let him enjoy anything.
Should WI produce a movie called Weekend at Gordon’s? Josh might actually enjoy that.
Advice starts with a question about doing their own multisurface large posterior resin composite. Totally doable, right?
What should one fo for oral hygiene if they have a PHYSICAL DEPENDENCY ON SKITTLES. Quitting IS NOT an option. Maybe start smoking crack. That should break the Skittle habit.
Cheese bags: stay fresh.

Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Episode 166: Ookie Plaque Cookie
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Snowmaggedon 2021!!! Josh is snowed in. Lance is iced in. What could be better?
Should you eat plaque? Is it better than a booger? Does eating boogers help with recruiting? Josh hopes so.
What is the best gift for a Turkish periodontist? Turkish delight? A Turkish bath? A Turkish turkey?
Stay warm cheese bags!

Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Episode 165: PITA Wheel
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Are you stuck in webinar hell? Josh is! Tune in to see him squirm!!!
Did you sleep through the Super Bowl? Yeah, us too. Snooze fest. Tom Brady is a robot. A robot who nailed Giselle.
Our first question is about DIY braces. Josh could not bond on brackets to save his life, so lets just trust an EFDA from Atlanta to do it.
Our second question is the eternal debate…which dentist is more trustworthy? The busy one or the slow one? Boy….realtors are dumb, aren’t they.
Ventura Highway forever!

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Episode 164: Tarot Cord Reader
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Did you check out Virtual Seattle Study Club Symposium? If so, you would have caught Josh pulling a Winnie the Pooh and wearing a shirt with no pants. Maybe we can act it out live next year!
Have you ever had lunch with Gordon Christensen at a Burger King? If so, be sure to bring some baby aspirin.
Advice starts this week with a question about grilled out aligners. You know who would be into that?? Richard E. Richards from Pig Suckle Tits, Georgia!
What do you owe a patient whom you left a cord in? Half your belongings? An hour alone with your wife? A butt fuck behind a dumpster? Shouldn’t they have been able to predict this anyway with all those sick tarot card skills? Yeah, about that…..
stay fresh.