A dental podcast for the AVERAGE dentist. No question is too controversial for Lance Timmerman DMD and his guests. Questions are NOT ”best bonding agent” or ”best impression material.” You know, like ”can I harm my assistant for being annoying?”, or ”how much oral sex is too much after gum grafts?” or even, ”Will my DNA be altered by getting a bone graft from cadaver bone?” The information that ALL dentists need. Where we coined the term ”Bukkake Honor Circle”

Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Episode 116: The Crotch of the Molar
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Josh and Lance discuss the Super Tuesday primaries and how all these hipster kids are WILDING for Bernie Sanders. Do you feel the Bern? Could be chlamydia. Get that checked. Lance talks about a full arch implant system called Chrome. Check it out. Turn key approach!
Advice starts this week with a question about coronavirus. We are all doomed. Not from COVID-19, but from media stupidity. UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS, people!
Would you watch a Michael Apa reality show? What if he did a rehab on that Vanderpump lady? Don’t lie. We know you would.
Finally, can you hold toothpaste in your mouth too long? Can fluorosis happen decades after eruption? Is mewing worthwhile? A big hardy NO all the way around.
Keep safe and stay fresh, cheese bags.

Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Episode 115: Vicker’s Hardness Test for Wangs
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Episode 114: Gleek or Loog?
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Yay. Back again. Does anyone give a fuck? Is anyone reading this? We're sure no one is, but what the hell. Lets burn some brain cells trying to come up with something clever. What are we? Your fucking monkeys? You want us to dance? Well here. Here’s your fucking dance.
A dentist spit in some fuckers mouth. I’m sure they deserved it.
And some fucking dentist had an employee vape in the office. Good. I want to vape in my fucking office every fucking day.
Finally, an employee got left out of a selfie and threw a fit. Society has ended. Astroid, please come.

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Episode 113: Toothbrush Bandits
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Josh is back this week as he recounts his experience at VoD. Lance touts how much he loves the XFL and his new favorite team, the Seattle whats-it-called.
Advice starts this week with a question about a dentist’s husbands tooth brush. Sticking it up a butt should help. Obvs.
According to Reddit, “Dentist offices are stupid.” Should we have separate but equal water fountains for smart and stupid people? Maybe so. Stay fresh.

Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Episode 112: Josh Gets VoD
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Lance's daughter Bianca helps host this very special episode of Blossom... er... WI..... If you missed Josh at Voices of Dentistry, fret no more. You can hear it HERE.....!

Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Episode 111: Garfsexual
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Did you go to VOD? No? You missed out. You should go next year because it was AWESOME. Listen on as Lance bashes Kobe. Jerk.
Advice starts with a question about swallowing….mouthwash. Is it okay or is it better to spit? You make the call!
Next up, what the hell is night water? Do you know because we didn’t. No matter what, it doesn’t sound good.
Finally, have you ever heard of a Venlay? Do you like hearing about Lance’s beefs with other dentists? If so, then this is the question for you, cheese bags. Stay fresh!

Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Episode 110: Make Boofing Great Again
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Are you ready to remember some football guys? Well, we don’t care if you are or not because WE ARE GOING TO REMEMBER SOME FOOTBALL GUYS, DAMNIT. These are good guys and they need to be remembered.
Advice starts this week with a question about the ol’ reliable 2:30 joke. Have you ever heard it? Of course you have. Because you are in the dental field. No one in the dental field has NOT heard that joke. What a faker.
Advice ends this week with a deep dive on boofing. How did we get there? We don’t know. How did we get out of it? Again, no idea. But somehow we survived and we pledge to make boofing great again.

Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Episode 109: Mints More Dangerous Than Tobacco?
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Still riding high from our New Year's resolutions, WI return for more hi-jinx. Congrats to the Tigers for winning the NCAA football national championship, that high quality H2O does a body good. Go 'Hawks.
First question is from a boyfriend of a girl that has perfect teeth due to NO effort on her part. Genetics? Hygiene in secret? Speakeasy therapy?
Reddit! number two: Are placing breath mints in the buccal vestibule a viable alternative to chewing tobacco? Is sloughing tissue something to worry about?
Stay fresh, cheezebags!
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Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Episode 108: New Year New Me, 2020 Edition
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
The WI Boys are back in town after a short hiatus. What are their New Years Resolutions? Funny you should ask….
Advice starts this week with a question about an Invisalign allergy. Should we test every person for every possible thing to see if they’re allergic? I’m allergic to this patient.
Have you ever done any dental work to a corpse? No, not Steven Tyler…an actual corpse? Have you heard the urban legend of the morgue denture delivery?
Can gingiva scar? Can it scar from a “popcorn husky?” Did Star Wars make any sense? We’re all confused. Stay fresh.

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Episode 107: Morgan Freeman, Dental Narrator
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
What's your top 5 Christmas Movies? Is Die Hard one of them? No? It should be.
Advice starts this week with a schizophrenic dentist having whole damn conversations with him self. Should Vin Sculley be doing the play by play instead? You know the answer.
An amateur dentist looks for help. You got any solid YouTube videos to help a brother out? Michigan has his back.
Can you value size your sutures? Is more better? When it comes to sutures and Lance, the answer is definitely no.
Merry Christmas, cheese bags and to all a happy foreskin.