A dental podcast for the AVERAGE dentist. No question is too controversial for Lance Timmerman DMD and his guests. Questions are NOT ”best bonding agent” or ”best impression material.” You know, like ”can I harm my assistant for being annoying?”, or ”how much oral sex is too much after gum grafts?” or even, ”Will my DNA be altered by getting a bone graft from cadaver bone?” The information that ALL dentists need. Where we coined the term ”Bukkake Honor Circle”

Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Episode 96: Extremely Nickleback Adjacent
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Did you ever think you’d need to remember malaria from sophomore year Microbiology? Well apparently you do and also there’s basically nothing to do but lay back and relax. Should young African American adults be into 3 Doors Down? These are the questions that need answering, Alex Toussaint!
The first question tonight is about a dentist who tried to drill his son’s girlfriend. He certainly drilled her. Drilled her. Screwed her. Perfed her and then sent her a bill How would you have handled this? Probably way better than this guy did.
The second question tonight is about the best prime number of times per day to floss. You’ll be surprised at the answer. Stay fresh cheese bags!

Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Episode 95: Potato Chip Corner
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Can the guys spend 25 minutes talking about new Lay’s flavors? You bet your ass they can. Is this a potato chip podcast? No. Does this stop them? Also no. Enjoy the potato chip eating ASMR….or don’t. Chips are awesome.
Advice this week is from two Reddit questions. That's right…more chips this week and one less question. Deal with it.
Question 1 asks should a patient pull their own tooth. Is there a zombie outbreak? No? Ok cool then maybe not pull your own tooth.
The second Reddit question asks what to do when they get a fingernail stuck down in their sulcus. Subscribe Rate and review. Celebrate the Babadook’s sexuality. Most importantly, enjoy this week’s episode!

Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Episode 94: A Very British Episode
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
It’s time for more WI! Lucky you! Josh is STILL jet lagged from his brief sojourn to London town, and he was NOT as impressed as Lance with their culinary efforts… What do YOU think? Holly protests with a smoke alarm during the recording….
Questions start with a listener email about firing an assistant that has a big case of the “whoops”…. If they drop stuff, should you fire them BEFORE they destroy your iTero?
First reddit asks if they can remove their ortho brackets themselves. DIY ortho… What could go wrong?
Final reddit: HOW are dental implants safe? Aren’t ALL metals evil? They are closer to the blood…! Might be a meridian issue…..

Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Episode 93: Intraurethral Fire Starters
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Josh is off to London to escape the heat (both literally and figuratively) and he discusses preparations with Lance. We find out that Andrea takes pills in an odd way and we get Lance’s take. Turns out Lance likes to raw dog his little blue pills.
Advice this week comes from two Reddit questions. The first of which is about when should you floss….before or after brushing? Would you believe that this topic ended a relationship?
Second question comes from Team Edward…whats the best way to make Vampire fangs. Surprisingly, some real dental prosthetic design discussion occurs. Prepare to be glamoured by these two undead dentists. Stay fresh, cheese bags.

Thursday Sep 05, 2019
episode 92: What IS in black coffee?
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
MORE WI, whether you wanted it or NOT... Ready for some fantasy football? Can you snake draft?
Josh asks Lance if black coffee can contain sugar or not, and why you should NOT piss off your waitress.... Is there a Starbucks in Utah? Bulletproof is NOT black, right?
Question 1: Molar extraction and blow jobs... where have we heard THIS before?
Reddit #2: Does weed make dental appointments better or worse? Should the patient Bogart?
Final reddit: Should dentists specialize? What IS the best specialty, especially if you SUCK at business?

Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Episode 91: Mea Culpa
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
WI return! Josh talks to Lance about vomit... What makes you vomit MORE than listening to WI?
Question 1 is about tipping a waiter that stiffed you on a dental bill... Do you tip? Do you LIKE the taste of waiter phlegm?
Up next: Should you call your staph/team an "auxiliary"? Are they a whippersnapper?
Reddit this week: How do you handle bulges under the teeth? What if there are TWO?

Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Episode 90: Gaslighting Karen
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Josh opens the show admitting how he recently needed out on a, well, “minor celebrity.” Lance then wonders how other businesses are actually able to make any profit.Advice starts this week with a question about how to get a veteran hygienist to finally retire. Can Brett Favre help us again? No, probably not. Find out how in the world Josh thinks its a good idea to hire someone to car jack his hygienist.Question two sends Josh off into a Goose-style tailspin. He hit his head while ejecting and is now dead in the Indian Ocean. Thats how bad this question screwed Josh up. MORSE CODE TIME.Reddit this week is about spicy tooth paste. Colgate Carolina Reaper, anyone?

Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Episode 89: Brett Favre’s Dick Pic Crocs
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Josh opens the show with some potato chip ASMR as he sample’s his gift of Tim’s Cascade Potato Chips from Clintoris Timmerman. Next, Josh regales Lance with stories of his amazing new Toto Washlet S550E. Seriously, go buy one.
Now. Advice starts this week with a question about the best shoes to wear in practice. For some strange reason, this brings back memories of Brett Favre’s dick. Our brains are really messed up.
Second question is about experiences with guygienists. Don’t discriminate based on gender, people.
Our Reddit this week is about why 1 out of 10 dentists always dissents. Have you ever been polled about gum or toothpastes? Neither have we.
Stay fresh, cheese bags.
To donate to Clint's charity of choice: cst25@hotmail.com

Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Episode 88: PATENT PENDING Rose Gold Crowns
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Clint Timmerman joins in with the Interferences this week to talk about a real charity, bringing digital dentistry to Tanzania.
Advice starts this week with a question about making living room consults feel welcome…or unwelcome. Seriously, GTFO of my house, lady. Would you like some durian? What are these white Gushers?
Second question is about a repeating repeater assistant. Newsflash….JOSH AND LANCE don’t mind.
Our Reddit tonight is about “tooth engraving” whatever the fuck that is. In a moment of brilliance the boys come up with a million dollar idea. Stay fresh, cheese bags.
Reach Clint at cst25@hotmail.com

Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Episode 87: Tyler Brady's Gumption Juice
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Need a little extra spirit? How about some of that sweet sweet chutzpah that allows one to attempt to make outrageous claims? Try some of the brand new Tyler Brady’s Gumption Juice. It will give you that killer instinct you need to be a dental influencer.
Lance and Josh spend a few minutes visiting with the ghost of Jimmy Stewart who sings one of the worst songs of all time.
The Interferences also wonder who gives that much of a shit about their sisters root canal. Enjoy!!! #celebratetheforeskin
Also, check out this program for cosmetic planning: https://www.DentalTreatmentSimulation.com